The Girls

The Girls

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Texans Virus

Elizabeth really put us through the ringer last week with her sickness.  As a parent, I absolutely hate seeing my baby so sick and then the worst always run through your head of maybe something else could be wrong.  Luckily for us, our little stinker is feeling 1,000 times better.  Greg says she came down with the "Texans Virus" because it started right after watching the Houston Texans game.  Everyone, please take that up with him! :)  Saturday the 25th of August was just a relaxing day, just hanging out with some family, not doing a whole lot.  When we were leaving Jason and Kathy's house after watching the first half of the game and Elizabeth was feeling warm but it wasn't too bad.  Sunday morning is when all hell broke loose.  After a pretty rough night Saturday night with her not sleeping well (because of the fever) and waking up crying, she had her morning cup of milk and almost immediately it came up all over Mommy.  If you have never seen a little baby throwing up like that, consider yourself lucky because it was absolutely heartbreaking.  I would start crying every time it happened because I wanted to make it better and couldn't.  She would look up at you with those sad little eyes, crying, and it just seemed like she was asking why it was happening to her.  You could tell that she wasn't feeling well and she was just completely out of it all day long but we were able to keep a little swallow here and there down her so she wouldn't get dehydrated but she refused to eat and drink and she continue to vomit all day Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday.  She also had a low grade fever that we could not get to go away by medicine.  We had called the doctor on Sunday and she told us just to keep her hydrated and she would see her on Monday morning.  The doctor found that she had an ear infection and told us that she probably just has a virus on top of that.  They gave her a shot of antibiotic and sent us home with our still very sick baby.  By this time all of us were so exhausted...

Tuesday morning I had to go into work for a meeting that was rescheduled from Monday so Daddy stayed home with the still sick baby.  Monday night was another rough night of waking up crying and fever.  If only we could get that stupid fever to go away!  It really started to spike on Monday evening and Tuesday with the highest reading at 104 degrees... I was very worried she would have a seizure from the fever like Emily (a good friends' little girl) did last Christmas.  By Tuesday afternoon, we were at our wits end and after talking with the doctor once Elizabeth started vomiting blood, she advised us to go to the ER at Texas Children's Hospital.  Once we got there, they basically told us the same thing the doctor did but they wanted to get something stomach since she hadn't eaten since Saturday night.  They gave her some nausea medicine and another antibiotic shot and sent us on our way.  Oh yeah, she had also gotten thrush again.  What more could this little baby go through!?!

The ER doctor told us to follow up with our pediatrician on Thursday to see how things looked and if she needed to continue on any medicine.  Wednesday morning our little Elizabeth was feeling so much better and besides being very weak, she was getting around and playing a little.  Well, our little angel decided to test us again by developing a rash all over her body on Wednesday night.  Luckily we already had a doctor's appointment on Thursday morning so on to something new...  the doctor just said the rash was just part of the virus working its course.  Someone needs to do something about that virus because it is one mean sucker.  The rash didn't bother her too bad, but she did look like she was trying to itch her head and stomach.  She managed to lose almost three pounds (a whole lot for her age) from being so sick so now we are trying to fatten her back up. 

I am happy to report that the virus is gone and I am pretty sure the thrush is gone too.  This week we are working on not giving her a paci so we don't have to worry about that thrush anymore.  We will see how that goes! :)  We did a pretty good cleaning of the house to try and get the germs out from the three of us sitting around for over a week.  We tried to explain to Elizabeth that she is not allowed to do that again or anytime soon because it was very though... we know it wasn't her fault but it was still very, very tough to go through.

The poor sick baby with lots of wild hair.
 The rash... yucky.

So, since I talked about her sickness, I have to do a quick update of how we are doing... in we, I mean me and Greg.  We were very, very exhausted last week and I think by Thursday Greg was getting delirious.  So we had decided that since Elizabeth was doing much better, we would go out just the two of us on Saturday night... but Greg got a phone call and was told he had to work.  Instead of canceling our "date night" my mom came up on Friday night so we could go out to eat.  But between the time of deciding to go out on Friday and the phone call Greg got to work, he was really upset and was talking crazy.  You know how you get when you're so tired and you think EVERYTHING is SOOOO funny... this was him and it was kind of annoying... anyway... he is talking to me and he is like "so, I was really looking forward to taking you to Long John Silver's to eat, I can't believe we can't go." as he continues to babble on and on, and then after a minute, I said "really, you were going to take me to Long John Silver's because that is so romantic!"  We both started laughing so hard we couldn't breathe!  I know that might not sound too funny but he said he thinking Red Lobster and not Long John Silver.  Honestly I have not eaten at Long John Silver and over 10 years... where the heck did that come from!  Luckily he did not end up working on Saturday night so we had a nice relaxing weekend to catch up on some sleep and plus it was a holiday weekend! 

Today is Elizabeth's 11 month birthday.  My how time flies.  Oh yeah, and we mustn't forget that it is opening game for the Cowboys.  Football and Photo shoot tonight!  YEAH!

Have a blessed week!