The Girls

The Girls

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

10 months

So I haven't posted anything in forever because I have been so busy.  I found out a couple of weeks ago that a girl in the next office put in her two weeks and I had to learn her job.  From the time I get to work at 6:30am to the time leave at 4:30, I am constantly busy!  In the evenings, I just love playing with my baby girl so I never get a chance to post anything.  Then there was the lost camera situation.  I was flipping out but I found it and all is well.  I didn't want to post anything until I could put some pictures up with it. 

So our baby girl is already almost 11 months but I thought I would put up her 10 month pictures.  She is now doing so much stuff that I don't even know where to begin.  She has been walking now since about 9 1/2 months but she is a pro at it and now we run and climb on everything.  She is still wearing her 9 month clothes but I am slowly starting to pull out some 12 month clothes.  She is constantly pointing at anything and everything.  Greg read it is just her way of learning so now we have to tell her what everything is.  She definitely knows what a deer is (and it will probably be her first real word) and will find it and point to it.  She also knows who mama and dada are (of course!).  We have successfully gotten off the bottle.  We are full blown sippy cup now and she can drink from just about all her sippy cups (different kinds) too.  She is doing so well on table food and will eat anything we put on her tray.  At 10 months, I told the school that she could start eating their food and it has been a pretty easy transition.  Since Daddy is not home in the evenings, I rarely cook but now I have to start thinking about what we are going to eat and such.  I have been just giving her the Little Graduates meals and she will eat those but I think she prefers our food to that "box" food.  Elizabeth is now a babbling little lady.  Even though I can't make out any actual words besides "bye bye" and "dada", I am sure she will be saying lots before long.  She knows bye bye and will walk up to the door and wave at you when she wants to go outside.  It is funny but when it is not time to go outside, it is also a struggle!  Just watching her play with all her toys and listen to her music, I know she learns so much from school.  Just yesterday I caught her "driving" her car around the house.  That is something I didn't think they learned until later on.  She was on her hands and knees... wheeling the car around.  It was so cute.  She can completely do the "Patty Cake" song... from clapping, to rolling her hands, to throwing it in the pan!  REALLY!  She also loves and I mean LOVES books.  If she gets cranky, just start reading to her and she gets all excited.  She will flip the pages for you and point at all the characters in the book.  If you are missing anything in our house just look in the kitchen cabinets.  She has started taking things out of the cabinets and putting what doesn't belong in them.  So far we have found shoes and cups in the pots and pans cabinet.  Smart little cookie... of course I think she is smart for her age but I really don't know if all babies do these things or not.  I am just not around enough babies to know!

I do know that I love her so much and am truly blessed to have such a wonderful, playful baby.  I guess I need to quite calling her a baby already since she is walking... on to toddler hood!  Trying to get a picture is near impossible even with two people but she was in a good mood so we got some pictures of the green eye beauty!  (Who, everyday, is starting to look like mommy!... OH NO!... I hope she inherits Daddy's skinnyness!)

 "I'm sexy and I know it..."
 "But MOM!"

"Do you see the deer?"
 Walking... and walking... and walking...
 This picture looks like Daddy got his little boy... where's the bow?

We are also busy planning the big first birthday bash.  I am excited and sad at the same time.  I was pulling out pictures of the little baby that came home with us and it makes me cry.  I honestly can't believe how fast she is growing up.  It honestly feels just like yesterday! 

In other news, we went on a really long trip to Dallas a couple of weekends ago.  Elizabeth did pretty good in the car, I was very proud of her.  We did a little shopping and a lot of sweating! :)  Here is Elizabeth enjoying a drink of Daddy's nice cold drink...

"Mom, I really don't want to take a picture... I busy here."

I hope to keep up better with our growing girl so I don't forget all the little things she does.  So I will leave everyone with a happy, green eyed girl... have a wonderful week!