The Girls

The Girls

Saturday, August 27, 2011

31 weeks - Dr. Appt.

We had a doctor's appointment yesterday (Friday) and it turned a little bitter sweet.  Everything is still good with Elizabeth but we found out that we will need to have weekly testing until she shows her pretty face.  After waiting for about an hour and half for the doctor who had a delivery, we finally got in to see the doctor.  I had been worried about the Rh test because you are supposed to have it done at 28 weeks and have the shot.  Well, I guess because my appointments are on odd weeks and my doctor was on vacation during the 28th week, she never requested the test.  My last appointment two weeks ago, I meant to ask her about it but I forgot... guess I should have called to ask.  For those of you who don't know what the Rh test is, it is done to see if you are Rh-negative and if you are, you have to receive an injection of RhoGAM to sensitize your body in case the baby's blood mixes with mine.  I knew going into pregnancy that I had A- blood which is one of the blood types that carries the antibodies.  If during delivery, the baby's blood and my blood cross paths, there are all kinds of things that can happen including what is called Rh disease, but basically it just means that our blood types are not compatible and can attack one another.  Without knowing the baby's blood type, they give you this injection to prevent the blood from attacking each others if by chance they do cross.  I will have my injection on Monday and then I will have to have this injection again after delivery once they determine the baby's blood type.  She also decided to run some other blood work on me so hopefully everything will come back OK.  I have to start going to weekly testing starting next week at the hospital.  I am not too sure about what the testing is, but I am supposed to hear from my doctor's nurse on Monday to give me the information and I plan on asking exactly what it is that I will be tested for.  The doctor decided to order it after we left the office, that is why I didn't get a chance to ask her about it.  It was comforting as always to hear her little heartbeat on the monitor and I hope and pray that everything will continue to work out as planned.  Next appointment we have an ultrasound to check the growth and we will also see the doctor.  We are so close so hopefully God is watching over us.

I must admit that it sure is nice to have a weekend with NOTHING to do.  It is now Saturday afternoon and we have done nothing all day.  I have read a book and Greg has watched TV and played on the computer but this is a rare afternoon.  Later we will be going to Jason and Kathy's for her birthday and we are looking forward to hanging out with people.  We are supposed to go dancing but I am not sure how much dancing Greg will be able to do... my poor crippled man.  It is a great band playing and I am hoping to talk him into dancing a little. Tomorrow will be a little church and Greg being a chef and football, nice and relaxing before I have to go back to work on Monday! :) 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

A little venting!

Why are things so complicated all the time?  Or is it just me making things complicated?  Who knows!?!  I stress about money (or lack of), my broke down car, my job and on top of it, I am getting anxious for our little one to be here added to the stress of maybe (fingers crossed) selling our old house.  I know I still have two long months to go, but I just feel so ill-prepared for the baby.  I am usually pretty prepared for everything.  I literally had my wedding planned almost six months before the date, but for the baby, I feel like there is nothing I can do.  I know we have the baby's room ready for her, but if she were to come tomorrow, I would have nothing but some clothes and diapers.  I feel as if I wouldn't even know what to do with her if she were to come.  Will my motherly insincts kick in when she comes?  I know many people (including my husband) think I am stressing for no reason because she is not due for two more months, but i just can't shake this feeling.  Sometimes I feel like I can't even talk about the way I am feeling because people think I am being silly.  This past weekend I went to see a good friend of mine who has a six month old and as I was holding the sweet little thing, I realized I don't know the first thing about babies.  I am sure hoping the child birth class and prepared childbirth class helps ease some worry!  I am starting to think that maybe I should have read more books but then I think about what people did 100 years ago when they didn't have anything but insinct to go off of.  If they can do it, surely I can too.  I am trying to hold off on buying anything until after the showers because I know we will get lots of cool stuff to help after she comes... I am just trying not to worry about her coming earlier than those showers! :) One thing I did get to complete is the baptism arrangement.  She will be baptized on Nov. 13th at St. Philip's, so now I can go ahead and get invites made and ready for after she is born.  I guess I am just going to have to sit back and take a breather and try not to worry but I know that won't happen!

As I mentioned above, we may actually have a buyer for the old house.  I am trying not to get my hopes up like before when we were supposed to be closing on the house and the buyer backed out after we were supposed to close!  I pray that something will work in our favor for once! It sure would be a great feeling to get that off our shoulders.  Paying two mortgages and all the bills that go along with two homes is really stressful!  We should have an answer by Monday hopefully but again, in our crazy lives, you never know!  Maybe if we sell the house, I can talk Greg into letting me get a new car since mine is crap and I really don't want to keep driving the big truck in downtown Houston!  Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we continue to make it through our crazy, busy lives.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Nursery and Diapers!

Hello Monday...  It seems as if the weekends go by way to fast and then I am back at work.  Only two more weeks and we will have a three day weekend... yeah!  Even in the short span since my last post, a lot has happened in our new house and crazy life.  So, last week we made the executive decision to just hire someone to finish painting the baby's room and the the living room.  With that done, we finally got everything put in its place and hung on the wall.  It truly is looking more and more like a home.  Our new furniture came on Saturday, which I love, and to me, finally completes our home for now.   The nursery turned out great and I am so excited to show it off, which I got to do, even if it was for a bunch of men! :) 

Friday Greg and I went to meet with a pediatrician for Elizabeth.  I must say that it is quite different having to do this in a town where you know no one.  I did a little research online and found a pediatric center that has six doctors and a nurse practitioner.  With the idea that there are a bunch of doctors that work together to insure my child would have the best care available, we set up a meeting.  It went well.  The doctor that would be Elizabeth's main pediatrician is fairly new since she just completed her residency a little over a year ago, but again, she is backed up by doctors that have been pediatricians for over 30 years.  I had printed out a sheet of questions to be sure and ask her but she answered most of them just in conversation.  I feel comfortable with the clinic and the doctor so I think we are going to use her.  Now on to find a daycare... that may be our venture this Friday! 

The rest of Friday and Saturday morning were spent trying to clean and put everything on the walls.  Saturday night Greg had a diaper shower with all this guy friends and family.  Greg was really looking forward to hanging out with all his friends and family.  Since we have been so busy with trying to move, we really haven't gotten together with anybody to just hang out for a while.  I think a part of it is just part of getting older and starting families and so forth... people are just busy with their own lives.  Anywho, Greg has been home for three straight weeks since his surgery and I think the little get together was good for him to socialize a little besides with me and the cat!  He orginially was going to have a skeet shoot diaper shower but with the surgery and the heat, a guys night in sounded more appealing.  He had a great turn out from what I hear and it sounds like everyone had a pretty good time.  I came home to a house full of diapers and a tired husband.  Sunday was pretty laid back... but it still went by way too fast! 

Here are some pictures:

These are all the diapers Greg recieved at the diaper shower
(I think we are set for a while!)

This is our living room wall we painted... I wanted to make the fireplace stand out from the wall.

I didn't take any pics of our new dining room furniture but it looks great too.  Thanks to my mom, I now have china to put in it. 

Have a great week!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

30 weeks & counting down!

So, today marks the 30 week mark for me being pregnant.  I must say that I am so ready for this pregnancy to be over and Elizabeth to be here in my arms.  It isn't that I hate being pregnant, but nine months is a long time when you sit back and think about it.  Once I hit my third trimester, I thought it would fly by, but to me it is moving along quite slow.  I also started getting what I guess is like morning sickness.  For everyone that didn't know this, I have not been sick at all with this pregnancy, besides a bit of heartburn in the beginning.  Getting sick on the downhill slop is not what I call fun.  I wake up already about twice a night (which I think is just my body getting me ready for the baby), but then in the mornings I have the worst nausea and gag reflux like I have to throw up.  I did ask my doctor and she said it is rare but it can happen because the baby is pushing on all my insides.  She offered to give me some medicine to help it but I thought it wasn't bad enough to take medicine for... boy was I wrong.  Since Friday I have been more sick than I care to be!   Monday night I went to bed at 8pm and didn't wake until 5am and I am still tired!  I have read in my books that being tired in the third trimester is perfectly normal but I honestly feel bad for Greg.  He has been at home all day these days because he had knee surgery a couple of weeks ago and all he wants to do is hang out and all I want to do is go to bed! :)  I think he understands though...

Because Greg has been home these last couple of weeks, lots is getting done around the new house.  We have invested in some new furniture including a dining room set and office furniture.  Our dining room set won't be in until Saturday but the office is finally looking somewhat like an office!  It is a slow and expensive thing to accomplish but I know we will get there.  Our home is finally turning into a home!  One project that still needs to be addressed is the baby's room.  She is going to show her face in less than 10 weeks and her room isn't even painted.  We picked out and bought the colors and Greg did one wall, but then the knee surgery happened.  Looks like we will be calling someone to come finish painting so at least I can use her dresser and closet that I currently can't get to right now!  It is tough on him to not be able to do a lot of physical activities such as mowing the yard.  Thanks to my wonderful mom and step dad, our yard has been mowed every weekend.  We also had to enlist his parents to help finish hanging pictures and putting all the holiday stuff in the attic.  I know it will all get done but Greg is hoping to have it all done by this weekend when he has his "Daddy to Be" diaper shower... he has high hopes! :)  Another great thing about him being home is the cooking!  Greg is a little chef in disguise if you didn't know this already.  He loves to cook which is good not only for our wallet, but also for my stomach!  Hopefully Elizabeth will love to eat all her veggies and meats like we do!

A special shout out to my cousin Emilie who had her baby girl today.  I hope all is well and I know she was ready for that baby to be here!  Congrats to her and her husband and welcome to the family Addisyn!
I will leave you with pictures of my belly at 30 weeks and for those of you who haven't seen the new house, pics of it... enjoy!  If you are ever in Rosenberg, stop by because we love visitors!

Not a great picture but you get to see the belly!

This is our fat cat, he wanted his picture taken! :)

Come visit!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Trying something new...

So, I have decided to steal a couple of friends ideas and start a blog... this is something completely new to me but I thought it would be a fun way for family and friends to keep up with our crazy, busy life.  I always love reading and keeping up with the few friends that I have that blog and thought I would try it for myself.  Now that we are older and don't get to see each other as much, I thought this would be a nice way for our friends and family to keep up with our lives expectually as we welcome a new addition in a couple of months! 

Elizabeth is growing and getting big!  We had an ultrasound and doctor's appointment on Friday.  It is always comforting to see her on that little screen moving around like crazy!  Not that I don't feel her moving around in there!  Since I am considered a high rish pregnancy with my high blood pressure I had before I got pregnant, I get to see her once a month via ultrasound.  The ultrasound guy told us that it is 110% a girl so we don't have to worry about her coming out with a thingy!  She weighed in at about 3.7lbs and is right on track with everything.  The ultrasound guy said we were textbook and there was nothing to worry about.  After we got done there we saw the doctor and it was pretty routine also.  We heard the heart beat (which came in at 156 beat/minute) and she asked all her normal questions.  Of course I had to ask the doctor about my lack of weight gain... again... she told me that it is normal and that it is ok.  She said as long as the baby is getting bigger that she is not concerned.  I guess that is good for me but I still worry about it.  We go back in two weeks and have another ultrasound in four. 

Greg finally got to feel Lizzie move around this weekend.  I don't know if it is because I am a larger woman but Greg said he could never feel her move around.  She has definitely been a lot more active and gotten a lot stronger.  We were laying in bed on Friday night after a long day full of doctor's appointments and I told him to just lay there with me for a minute and as soon as she started moving, he felt her.  He got so excited and I just couldn't help but laugh!  Sat. night he felt her again and had just as much excitement which makes me feel really good to know that he can finally share something else with me!   

I will update with some pics a little later... just getting used to the blog thing!