The Girls

The Girls

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Happy Thursday!

As we get ready to round out three months and move on to four we also lose all the newborn that was Elizabeth up to this point.  She is getting so big and is such a joy to be around.  As I mentioned before, it just amazes me everyday how smart babies really are.  She already knows how to get out of her swaddle... no matter how tight I put it.  I just can't figure it out.  I thought that if she got out of her swaddle that she would wake herself up with her arms but that really hasn't been the case.  She is still my sleeping beauty, going to bed between 7 and 8 and not waking up until 4:30 or 5.  It is so different then just two months ago where I thought I would go crazy from sleep deprivation.  Lets see... now that she is rolling over from her back to her tummy, it is hard to leave her on the floor by herself because as soon as she gets over, she gets MAD!  Silly girl.  Right now she is only rolling over on her right side (and I must say, she is a pro at it now) but she will kick her legs over to her left side like she wants to roll over that way but she get enough strength to go that way.  So, to help her out, she thought the blanket would help her and she grabbed the blanket for leverage and then got none when the blanket just came off the floor.  It was funny to watch her try so hard and be so smart and then in the end, still not get it.  I think she is definitely her mother's daughter in the since of getting frustrated when she can't do something.  You can see it in her face when she is trying to do something that isn't going her way, she gets mad!  They even mentioned this to me at daycare this week about her being strong willed and trying so hard to do something.  She has gotten to the stage now where she wants to sit up all the time.  This makes putting her in the carseat really hard and it makes Mommy sad that she doesn't want to lay in her arms anymore, but it is so fun to watch them grow and learn.

I have officially put Elizabeth's three month clothes away (well, except the pants).  That was a hard and very sad day, even Greg was a little sad that day.  I knew she could probably fit in some of them still but I figured it would be best to make a clean break from them.  So, I got all the 3-6 month clothes washed and put away where once was the little clothes my sweet baby girl wore.  Thanks to my cousin Crystal, we have a good stock pile of clothes to wear because Elizabeth didn't have many new clothes in that size.  There were so many cute dresses and spring/summer outfits in there and I can't wait for Elizabeth to start wearing some of them.  So on to the new waredrobe and lots of new things in our life... including a new CAR!  YEAH!  

The weekend is so near and I can't wait to spend it with my sweet baby girl!  I will leave everyone with a couple of pics I have take over the last week or so.  

I have to mention that Elizabeth loves that ring in both pictures... she sucks on it and just holds it all the time.  We take it everywhere we go.  They even told me at daycare that she loves to hold on to something at all times.  It is such a great toy and we thank Grandma B for giving it to E!   

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Rolly Polly

So, at 3 1/2 months, our baby girl can roll over from her back to her tummy.  It is funny because the first time she did it was on Monday the 16th and I missed it!  I had gotten home from work and put her on the floor in the living room while I went to change out of my work clothes.  When I came back into the room she was on her stomach and trying desperately to get back on her back.  I was so excited and got my phone ready to catch her doing it again but then she just got mad so I picked her up.  It wasn't until yesterday that I was able to be ready with the phone when she was rolling over.  When Elizabeth does get over on her belly she gets so mad because she can't get back on her back.  I wish she would learn to roll back over but I am sure it will come in time.  So for now, we just put her back on her back and she will roll right back on her tummy... a never ending game!  I told Greg that I think she goes to school on Mondays' and comes home to show us something new.  It seems like every Monday she is doing something different!  It also amazes me at how smart they really are.  She focuses on everything like she is learning all the time. 

(please excuse the upside down video... Mommy is new at this!)

Elizabeth has also learned to screech really loud.  It is so funny but now I am going to be scared to take her to church!  Really it is only when we are talking and playing with her but it is so funny.  I just can't believe how fast they grow up!  She will "talk" to us in her baby talk and I only wish I knew what she was saying and thinking. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Sleeping beauty

At daycare, my little Elizabeth is known as "sleeping beauty".  When I went to pick her up on Friday it was time for her to eat so I sat down and fed her before we got on the road.  This was also nice because I got to spend a little time talking with her teachers.  From what they were saying about my little angel, she sounds like she has her daddy's personality.  They were telling me that she is so laid back.  She loves to just sit and watch everything going on around her.  They told me she rarely cries and usually it is just because she is hungry or she wants her NUK and she doesn't really like to be held a lot.  They also said she loves to smile but has a shy smile like she wants to get to know you first before she will smile at you.  They said some of the other babies cry every time their parents drop them off and want to be held a lot.  It makes me feel so good that they think so highly of her and they even complimented me as a mother.  We are truly blessed to have a great baby. 

Of course we think our little angel is special and a sleeping beauty also!  She has started sleeping in her crib in her own room about two weeks ago.  Of course Greg being the over protective father slept on the floor beside her for the first week, but now she is all alone and sleeping like a champ!  I was reading  my friend Jessica's blog and she said when they started putting Paislyn in her crib they had to swaddle her so her little arms and legs would not fly around so much and wake her up.  Elizabeth had the same problem so we started swaddling her again.  We had not done this since she was a newborn but it works out so great. 

Ahhhh.... I'm free....

A great weekend

The weekend... oh how we all love the weekends...

As many of you know Greg works weekends.  It comes with some good and some bad but right now it is working ok for us as a family.  This also means that me and Elizabeth spend a lot of time in El Campo.  This is mostly because I like hanging out with my mom on Saturdays', but lately we have had so much stuff to do. I love Friday afternoons and getting off early from work.  This past Friday I went and got Elizabeth early and we headed to EC.  We got to have a great lunch with my mom so Elizabeth could show her all her new tricks she had learned during the week.  She changes so much in such a short amount of time.  That afternoon we went out to my Dad's house since he had not seen Elizabeth in quite some time.  After that we went to Greg's parents house for dinner! Yum!  I think Elizabeth loved seeing all her grandparents in one day!  Did I mention that I also love the fact that on weekends my mom likes to keep Elizabeth in her room and so me and Greg get some good sleep!?!  Of course this past weekend would be the time that she decided to go to sleep at 8:30pm and not wake up to early morning.  She had been waking up about 2 or 2:30am for a bottle but not anymore!  She will now sleep until around 5 or 5:30am!   I can handle that!  It could also be that Greg is pumping her full with 5 whole ounces of formula!  Both Greg and I love that not only is our baby girl sleeping in her own room but she is also sleeping through the night.  We feel truly blessed. 

On Saturday, Elizabeth got to meet Miss Paislyn for the first time.  A really good friend of mine, Jessica, had a baby two weeks before I had Elizabeth.  I sure hope that they can grow up and be friends also.  Of course this would be easier if Jess and Nathan would move back to Richmond area!  :)  As much as I would love to have them close for both me and Elizabeth, I know El Campo is a great place for them and since I am there all the time anyway, I am sure we can have weekend play dates!  So, Miss Paislyn is so darn cute and so strong! She definitely has a smile to melt little hearts!  I can't wait for our babies to be big enough to actually play with one another!  So even though my little bundle of joy was a little cranky, here is picture of them together:  (please excuse the camera cord)

Now that Elizabeth can hold her head up and sit up pretty good, that is all she wants to do.  So, she has started spending some time in her bumbo...

On to Sunday... we will be closing on our old house in El Campo on this coming Friday.  As part of the contract we had to clean out all those old barns.  When I say we, I really mean Greg! :)  Anyway, Greg took off on Sunday to go out there and see what he could do.  I kind of feel bad for him because he kind of got left with the mess when he bought the house and now we are trying to figure out what to do with everything.  I know it should have been taken care of a long time ago but the reality is that it wasn't and now we are scrambling trying to figure it all out.  Did I mention there are about 40 old tires with rims back there?  Yeah, 40!  I am still trying to figure out what he is going to do with those!  I know it will work out in the end.  I am just super excited that we won't have two electricity payments, two mortgages, and two insurance payments!  Plus, I will be getting a new car! :) 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

3 months old

Well, she survived with us for three whole months on 1/5/12!  We love her so much and are so lucky and blessed to have a great daughter.  Here are pics from our 3 month photo shoot! :)

Look at them thighs... such a big girl already!

I think she was done by this time... she wanted me to quit taking pictures so she could watch a little tube like daddy! :)

Happy New Year!

Our New Year was pretty laid back because I was sicker than a dog!  The Monday and Tuesday after Christmas I was sick with a really bad stomach virus.  Then I got the worst head cold that turned into way more... double ear infection, bronchitis, and upper respiratory infection.  I was just trying not to get my baby girl sick!  I finally went to the doctor on Saturday morning and got on antibiotics.  Needless to say, I was in no mood to go out.  I was really looking forward to doing something since Greg and I haven't really went out since Elizabeth was born but I ended up sleeping right through the New Year.  I didn't even get a New Year's kiss because Greg didn't want to get sick!  So even though we started out our New Year on the sick side, our baby girl is getting big and strong and we are blessed she is healthy! 

On Sunday we went to my Grandma's for some fried chicken and blacked eye peas and cabbage.  Yummy!  Of course it was Elizabeth's nap time when we got there so Greg went and put her on the big bed at my Grandma's.  When I went to check on her awhile later, she was awake, entertaining herself.  I went in and started talking to her and then her dad walked in and my mom.  We were just sitting there talking while she laid there and low and behold, she rolled over!  OMG!  I still think it was a fluke because she can roll over to her side but she has yet to roll over again.  I know we shouldn't rush it but it is so fun watching her hit these milestones.  She also is sitting up so good now.  She is to the point now that she doesn't want to lay in your arms anymore... she wants to sit up.  She will tell you too because she can lift that head up.  She is still a little unstable and she looks funny sitting in her bumbo but she is getting there... I give her a couple of weeks and she will be sitting up good.  Of course New Year's day was the last football game for the Cowboys so her and daddy dressed up in there "game day gear".  I guess it didn't work for good luck because as we all know, they lost! 

You can't tell in this picture but she has her "game day gear" on!