The Girls

The Girls

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Week 2

So maybe I should have done a little more reading about babies and what comes after pregnancy because man do I feel lost most days.  Our second week with Miss Elizabeth was definitely a learning curve.  Thursday was another trip to the doctor but this time it was for mommy.  Everything checked out with the incision from the c-section and I had lost a total of 22 pounds from the day I gave birth.  If you remember, I had only gained 7 pounds while pregnant so I have lost about fifteen pounds so far just from giving birth.  Yeah for me!  By Friday we were so exhausted both physically and mentally that we had decided that we would go to El Campo for the weekend to have a little extra help from my mom.  It was really nice having the few extra hours of sleep.  We would go to bed about 8pm and my mom would watch her until about 11 or so... three extra hours of sleep is definitely priceless!  We ended up staying until Monday morning before we headed home.  One thing that was different between our house and my mom's was that she had a recliner to sit in.  Greg insisted that we get a recliner for our living room so we could be more comfortable while we "camped out" with Elizabeth.  So, on the way back home Monday we stopped in at the La-Z-Boy store and got us a new recliner... and boy do we love it! 

As her second week came to an end, it was full of good nights and bad nights.  We are now trying to get as much information about babies and sleeping and everything else.  I know it will all work out in the end, but we are taking one day at a time and learning.  At her two week appointment today she weighed in at 6lbs 14oz and was 19.5 inches long.  The doctor said she is in good health, just small for her age.  She is only in the 10th percentile.  She even had to have her little foot poked and she screamed of course!  Our little princess is growing and it is so hard to believe that two weeks has already past!  Stay tuned for more of our crazy, busy life!

Since her ugly cord fell off during her second week, we were able to give her the first real bath... she loved it (much to my surprise!)!

Mommy and Lizzy

Just relaxing at Granny's!

This was her Sunday game day outfit! 

Loving the new recliner!

Two weeks old!

Such a cutie at two weeks!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Week 1

Elizabeth was born on a Wednesday afternoon and we were released on Friday afternoon.  I was so ready to go home because sitting around in the hospital was getting really old very fast!  It took forever to get released... but we were finally on our way home!  Greg was so nervous with having her in the back seat and actually driving with her.  He insisted that I sit in the back sit even though the little princess was sleeping!  I had not eaten anything that whole day because they told us we would be released a lot earlier than we actually were so we made a quick trip through a drive thru to grab some dinner.  My parents came up after they got off work on Friday evening to see Elizabeth, but they left and we got settled for our first night at home with her.  I don't think Greg and I were really prepared for that first night.  I am so thankful for Greg because even though I was getting around pretty good, my c-section had me moving a little slower.  The first night was probably the worst night we had since we had her.  We could not get her comfortable and we were nervous on top of it.  We stayed up the whole night!  So, when my mom called the next morning to see how it went, we asked if she could come stay with us for the second night.  It was such a blessing to have her stay and help.  Saturday was full of visitors which made the day go by way to fast but it was nice.  My mom left on Sunday evening and it was back to the three of us but it got easier when we got more comfortable with her and knew what to do and how to help her.  The first week went by so fast.  Monday morning we had a doctor's appointment to check out Miss Elizabeth.  When we left the hospital she weighed in at 5lb 14oz but on Monday she was already back to 6lb 3oz.  The doctor checked her out and she screamed but she is in great health so far.  We were a little worried when we got home from the hospital because right before we left the hospital they switched her formula and she just was not taking to it at all.  On Saturday evening Greg ran to the store and got the same formula we used while we were in the hospital and she drank it with no worries.  Needless to say, we have stuck with that and she seems to be doing great with it.  We also had our first little outing too.  I think it was more for me because I started to feel like the walls were closing in on me after being in the house for so long.  We went to Target to get a few things that we realized we would like to have now that she is here.  It was nice to get out of the house!    As the days continue to go by really fast, we are trying to take it all in and remember this experience because it is truly amazing!

Getting ready to go on an outing!

She loves her swing!

Her first sponge bath... team effort!

She didn't really like it too much!

One week old picture.

Another one week picture...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

She's Here!

Well, Elizabeth made her debut into this world last week.  Now I have a little time to share our story while Greg holds out sweet bundle of joy! 

We were told after our second hospital stay that we had one week to prepare for baby.  The doctor thought it would be best for my health to take Elizabeth out and since she would be considered full term, it was just time.  On Friday, Sept. 30th, we went for testing at the hospital.  Elizabeth was still doing great inside but my blood pressure was just so high.  Of course they didn't want to let me leave the hospital on Friday again but I explained our situation and they called the doctor so we went about our business.  We had a great baby shower on Saturday morning and got lots of great things.  Of course I was nervous because I knew I needed to get everything back to the house so I could start washing and preparing for baby.  Monday the 3rd, Greg and I made a big day of it and went to return everything we needed to return and finish getting everything we didn't get.  We also had a doctor's appointment where the doctor just explained how everything was going to happen.  He checked my cervix but I was completely closed.  We had a long road ahead to get our baby girl out but he said that we would try and do our best to make it as natural as possible.

Tuesday came so fast and Greg had to go to work that morning so he left me home to worry!  It really wasn't that bad but I was nervous and all I had to do was sit around until we went to the hospital.  We had to be at the hospital at 6pm so we left around 5.  I knew I needed to eat something because as soon as they started labor they would not let me eat.  Since we had such a long road ahead, I knew eating would be the best thing to keep my energy up.  When we walked in the hospital they already had me a room ready to go and I changed and they hooked me up to the IV right away.  The doctor came in and again explained to us what we would expect over the next day.  That night they put this medicine on my cervix to soften it and make it start dilating.  They put too rounds in so it was a long night of getting woken up and having to take my blood pressure every 30 minutes.  Needless to say, it was a long night.  They came in on Wednesday morning and started the pitocin at about 5:30am.  She had checked me a couple times throughout the night and my cervix was soft but it was still closed.  The doctor came in about 7am and I started having contractions every three or so minutes but they were not painful.  They were kind of like braxton hicks contractions.  My cervix was still closed and he told me it looked like it would be a long day.  He said he would be back at lunch to break my water and hopefully that would speed up the labor.  I didn't mention yet that they put me on this medicine called magnesium sulfate that made me sick and feel even worse.  It sure did make for a long morning.  When the doctor came back to the hospital about 1:30 and checked me, it was clear that my body was not going into labor.  My cervix was still closed and I was not having labor contractions.  We had two options to chose from: 1) we could stop everything and wait another day and try again (with no guarantees) 2) we could have a c-section.  I was miserable and the doctor said that a c-section would be what he recommended so that is what we decided to do.  He told us he would be back at 3:30 and we would have the c-section at 4pm.

It was a long hospital stay but we are home and happy now.  It is a HUGE adjustment and the lack of sleep is hard sometimes but we are doing good.  Today has been the best day yet since she has been born.  I am thinking she has her nights and days mixed up but we will work on that!  Thanks to everyone for the support and prayers as we welcomed our baby girl.  She is precious and changing so much already.  It brings tears to my eyes to just type it here!

Getting ready to meet his daughter!

Here she comes!

Our tiny bundle of joy!

 Meeting Mommy for the first time!

Our family... this must of been right before I got sick...

Proud Daddy!