The Girls

The Girls

Monday, April 23, 2012

We laugh!

So, since today is Monday, I thought everyone could use a laugh (including myself).  This little baby just makes my day, my week, my month, my life!  Hope y'all enjoy this fast moving baby and I hope her laugh brightens your day!  Have a great week!

Sporting her new sunglasses! 

Sunday Funday!  We were just a road tripping!

Drinking her juice from a sippy cup like a big girl. 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Baby steps...

...and NO, I don't mean Elizabeth! :)  I am starting to make baby steps in terms of becoming healthier and happier.  It is honestly like I woke up a couple of weeks ago and looked at myself in the mirror and realized that I really need to start doing something about my weight.  I have always been a heavy person but I think the difference was that when I looked in the mirror at myself say on our wedding day I didn't see an over weight person, I just saw me (maybe I was scared to face the facts).  I honestly think I thought I wasn't THAT big but now I can't even stand to look at myself in the mirror.  My clothes don't fit the same, my energy sucks, and I just feel blah... it was just time.  A girl that I work with was telling me that she started doing the aqua classes at her gym and that through our insurance we could get a really great deal on gym membership.  So, after researching it online I found out that it is in fact a great deal and the gym I wanted to join even has a daycare in it so I can leave Elizabeth in there for the hour I am working out.  So, I signed myself up on Tuesday.  After they did the introduction thing and they showed me everything around the gym, I went home feeling a little better.  Wednesday I pulled in the parking lot, but I never went in.  Like I said, I am taking baby steps! :)  Thursday I had to go in because I was scheduled to meet with a trainer to weigh me and show me all the equipment.  After I walked out of there Thursday night, I honestly felt so much better.  I think by meeting with a trainer the first time in there really boosted my self confidence.  He showed me what machines to do and how each functions.  He also even showed me some things to do on the mats and free weights to help exercise my core.  At the end of the session he gave me a monthly chart and wrote down exactly want I should do to maximize my weight loss.  The gym even has classes which he told me were really great because they almost make sure you are getting to where you need to be every workout.  I WILL eventually be doing a cycle class (once I get a good routine down)... that is my goal! :) I know I have a long road ahead of me but it is a start at least.   I told Greg when I got home that he needs to remind me everyday of how good I felt when I got home last night that way I can stay motivated.  I am feeling pretty motivated right now, but ask me again in two weeks! 

As for other news... nothing much happening this week.  Elizabeth started in her new classroom at school.  She learns so much from other kids and I have a feeling she will be crawling before long.  All the kids in her new room are crawling so if she wants to keep up she will have to learn soon!  It is so funny watching the kids on the camera from work because they are ALL OVER THE PLACE!  Those must be some tired teachers when they get home!  I didn't get any pictures of Elizabeth this week but I will be sure to take some this weekend.  We might even stay home this weekend! :)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Learning and growing

It continues to amaze me the things Elizabeth learns and remembers.  Just this weekend I noticed something that she must of started doing at school last week.  When the music goes off on one of her toys, she starts shaking and dancing... it is absolutely the funniest thing I have seen in a long time!  Now we get her dancing and shaking as much as we can!  Let's see... something she is doing now... stick your tongue out at her and watch her stick hers out at you... so cute and so funny.  I am definitely going to have to record her doing some of these funny things so everyone can see!  She is now getting better with drinking from a sippy cup too!  Can't wait for no more bottles!

Friday night my parents came to Rosenberg to use a gift card they had to eat and my mom offered to take Elizabeth back with her.  I was kind of excited since I have not slept past 6am since the day she was born!  Greg was a little worried since this was our first night without Elizabeth but I told him it would be just fine since I had been staying over there almost every weekend since she was born.  We honestly didn't know what to do with ourselves once they left!  So sleep we did! :) Saturday morning I woke up and didn't really know what to do with myself!  So after doing some tax returns (yes, last minute doers here!), I mowed the lawn and got dressed.  I went and picked out Elizabeth's six month pictures and then headed to EC! 

Kyle Leopold turned three year's old this weekend and we went to celebrate with him!  This is Greg's cousin Russell's little boy and he is so darn cute!  Every time he sees me and Elizabeth her asks "Where's Gooch?".  One day Greg is going to have show up with me so Kyle won't have to ask me that question!  Plus, Kyle loves babies... Elizabeth has her a kissing cousin! :) 

Sunday was just a fun day of shopping... me and my mom made a quick trip to Victoria and walked around Sam's and went to a couple of shops in the mall... All in all, another great weekend under our belts!

"Can't you see I am trying to play here... goodness!... quit taking pictures!"

Going for a ride at Kyle's birthday party!  Stick out the tongue and watch her do the same!

Easter 2012

On the Saturday before Easter, the Leopold family got together for a birthday/Easter.  I was really glad that I didn't have to spend my Sunday running around on my own with a baby and that this year all the family Easters' were spread out.  Here is out Easter weekend in pictures!

Good Friday... heading out to EC...
She wasn't so sure about the grass and therefore would not smile for me!

 At Aunt Julie's hunting in her first Easter Egg Hunt.
She was again more worried about the grass than the eggs!
 Isn't this the cutest little outfit! :)

On Sunday morning after we checked out the loot the Easter bunny left, we headed off to church.  I decided to go to 7am mass which was packed but Elizabeth slept through most of it.  For lunch we went to my Aunt Carol's were the Easter bunny came to visit!  The Wilson family wasn't really getting together but we went and saw my dad that afternoon.  It was really a nice, laid back weekend.  I just wish Greg could have shared in Elizabeth's first Easter but there will be more to come so we will take what we can get right now!  Here are the pictures of Easter Sunday.

Checking out all the stuff from the Easter bunny!
 Giving her new frog a big hug!

 She was excited!
 This is my mom with Elizabeth before church.  My mom made Elizabeth that Easter dress... so cute!
 Walking around at Aunt Carol's house.  She loves the walker!
 She was so excited in the pictures... she was screeching!
Can you tell she loves her food... look at them chunky thighs!
 I think she was thinking "What are y'all doing to me!?!"
 Then the Easter bunny came!
 Cousins! :)
 Long afternoon of playing... and of course, we can't forget LouLou for naps! (the love me blanket)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Happy 1/2 Birthday!

Thursday the 5th of April was Elizabeth's half birthday!  I can't believe time has gone by so fast.  She is really growing up fast and starting to be more "human" as my husband says now.  She really thinks everything is so funny and it just cracks me up.  Yesterday we were just sitting on the couch watching tv and she looked up at me and started laughing... I don't know what was so funny but it caused a chain reaction.  So, on her 6th month birthday, she had her checkup.  We were blessed that she has not been sick and we hadn't seen the doctor since her 4 month checkup.  Of course she got her shots (4 of them, poor baby) and she screamed bloody murder but everything else checked out good.  She weighed in at a whooping 15lbs 15ozs (and she is starting to feel that heavy!).  She is right at average for both her weight and head circumference but above average in her height.  I can't believe that she is so much taller than average (75 percentile) when both Greg and I are both so short.  I hope she will be tall and skinny and not have to worry about being like her mom.  Of course everyone and I mean EVERYONE that sees Elizabeth says she looks just like Greg so I guess I don't have to worry about her looking like me.  She is so much fun now and we couldn't ask for a better baby than Elizabeth.  I am worried that our next one will be horrible since Elizabeth is so easy going (again, like her dad!). 

Elizabeth at six months:

  • Sitting up like a champ!  Now we can actually leave her to play on the floor without worrying about her falling over. 

    • starting to scoot around on the floor but she is not coordinated enough right now to get the crawl successfully.  She will pull her knees up but then her arms give out... she will pull up on her arms but she can't get her knees up... then she gets frustrated.
    • she is a regular rolly polly now.  She is rolling over both ways and fast.  No telling how you will find her in the morning in her bed. 
    • She is loving all her vegetables and fruits!  I am going to have to get on making more baby food for her soon... it goes surprising fast.  The only foods I found she doesn't really like is peaches and bananas.  Both of these are ones I buy in a jar so I don't know if that is it or what.  She will eat vegetables from a jar with no problem.  We have even been giving her papaya! Yum!  She still does not like her cereal though... she just wants her vegetables and fruits.  The doctor told us we can move up to stage 2 foods so I might venture into some more different things with making baby food.
    • Drinks 5 - 5oz bottles a day and eats her fruit in the morning, vegetable at lunch with bottle and vegetable/fruit at dinner.
    • I started giving her a sippy cup in the evenings but she doesn't like it.  I hope she isn't addicted to the bottle... I guess I need to work on that more.
    • loves to smile and laugh now
    • reaches and grabs eveything in her reach... then it goes directly to the mouth (even her feet!)
    • loves being outside and in her stroller.  I am so glad it is warm now and we can enjoy the outside.
    Her new swing at her Grams and Popo's house!
    • No teeth yet, but I think they might come soon.  We shall see.
    • Even though she is very active right now, she is overall a very laid back, calm baby.  She just goes with the flow and very rarly gets upset or cries, unless she is bored or something is wrong. 
    • the funniest thing Elizabeth is doing right now is trying to copy us.  I have taught her a few things already... so funny.  I just wish she would start talking!
    • loves to play in her walker or jumper.  She has some STRONG legs... I think she is going to walk before she crawls!
    Here are the photos of our six month photo shoot:

    These were all her bandaids from her shots... poor baby! (Her hand is covering one)

     Since Daddy was home to do the six month photo shoot, he even got a picture!
    So who does she look like!?!