The Girls

The Girls

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Catch up

There has been so much going on since I last posted.  Between birthday parties, my very active child, and Memorial Day weekend, we have not had a whole lot of free time on our hands.  I will start with our first weekend with Daddy since Elizabeth was born!  It was so great to have Greg home on the weekends.  It just happened to work out that his first Saturday off in eight months was filled with parties!  We were invited to lots... three birthday parties, a graduation party, and a wedding all in one weekend.  Needless to say, we didn't make them all but we did have fun getting to see family and friends that we had not seen in a long time.  I was really looking forward to going to my cousin's wedding but after going to a late birthday party I did not feel well and I decided to lay down for a bit which then turned into all night!  At the birthday party Elizabeth enjoyed a little swimming.  She loves the water and just goes to town playing in it. 

 Elizabeth with her handsome Daddy!
 This child will pull up on everything!  She was enjoying the party from the safety of her own playpen!

After a quick check up to the doctor during the week where we have verified that we have a 100% healthy baby, we took on Memorial Day weekend!  I also want to state that I have been doing very good on my working out and GCC.  GCC stands for Global Corporate Challenge and it is a program that I joined through work where you are on a team and your team does a virtual walk around the world by wearing a pedometer and entering your step count everyday.  It really has kept me motivated.  I also enjoy the classes at 24 hour fitness.  I did a muscle blast class that nearly killed me for about three days but so far so good! 

Memorial Day weekend was kind of low key except for the fact that my daughter is trying to walk like MONTHS before she is supposed too!  Saturday Greg, myself, and Greg's parents went to a Skeeter's game in Sugarland.  It was really neat and of course the tickets were really great too.  We were in the Legends' Club with all the free food and drinks... talk about sweet and ruining all my hard work during the week! 

(excuse the fat me... this is why I hate to be in pictures!)

Sunday was a fun day of swimming.  It was Elizabeth's first time in a big pool and besides her first reaction without me there, she loved it.  After I got in with her, she was a much happier baby.  We were at my Aunt Carol's were we enjoyed a fabulous meal, fun games of domino's, and just relaxation. 

 Elizabeth playing with Chica... she thought she was really funny!

Monday we went over to Greg's Aunt Frieda's house where we enjoyed crawfish and roasters, oh yeah, and more swimming!  This time I did not get in the pool with Elizabeth but her Daddy stepped up to the plate and got in.  She of course loved it but I didn't have my camera to capture them in the pool... Greg says it was planned that way but I promise it wasn't.  We left a little early so we could get home and do things around our own house that has been sadly neglected since our little princess has arrived.  We will be baby proofing very soon since this little princess has now started walking around everything and pushing every button she can find.  She is also after every plug in the house.  We have tile floors and her daddy is about to drive me crazy with worry because she is still unstable.  This however does not stop her... she falls and gets right back up and into everything!  She has since discovered that things move and will then try to push them around the house... her Bumbo, her stand and play toy, her walker thing in the pictures below... if it doesn't move, she gets upset because she wants to WALK... she has only been crawling for two weeks!  This scares the crap out of me.  I am waiting for the day she just takes off.  We moved her to the carpet to play so if she fell it wouldn't be such a hard hit.  Here is her adventure down the hall and into our room:

"Watch me Mom!"

 Like I said, she is still a little wobbly but she definitely has the idea down pact.

 These are Daddy's worried hands in this picture!

Forget it... I am just going to go back to my toys...
(she was actually following Greg down the hall... see the foot!)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Teeth and crawling

I have not posted in two weeks!  WOW!  Since then, my little princess has been getting her two bottom teeth in and crawling.  I can't believe how fast she learns the things she does.  It must be daycare!  Last weekend she was really pulling up and getting on all fours.  This week, she is crawling all the way down the hallway!  Her teeth also made their first appearance on Monday.  First one, then the other on the bottom.  This has made for some sleepless nights!  She must get her pain tolerance from her daddy because she does not like all these new teeth!  Elizabeth has been sleeping through the night for a long time now and then this week happens and she is up two maybe three times a night.  My poor baby!  I didn't realize that teething would take us back to the sleepless nights and mommy and daddy are not big fans! 

In the last two weeks, I also celebrated my first Mother's day.  Since Daddy had to work on Sunday, we did ours on Friday night.  It was a great day and I am blessed to have a wonderful husband and a great daughter.  On Sunday we just relaxed and visited grandmas' and great aunts'.  It was just a simple Sunday afternoon... really no different than the rest! 

So many of my friends and family are expecting this Fall... just so everyone knows, we are not planning on expanding our family right now but I am so happy for everyone!  All in all there are eight pregnancies amount our families, Greg's group of friends, and my group of friends!  There were a few shockers in the group but I know they are all excited and I am excited for them.  Now that I have been pregnant before, I told Greg that I am going to plan better this next time for the timing of the pregnancy!  I DO NOT want to be pregnant during summer again.  I will definitely take what God gives us but we will try and plan a little better next time around.

We have a busy weekend ahead and I am looking forward to seeing so many friends and family.  Oh yeah and I almost forgot... Greg is officially off weekends!  YEAH! 

I don't have a lot of pictures from the last two weeks but I will leave you with a silly one of my angel! 

I think we will soon have a walker on our hands instead of a crawler!  :)

Monday, May 7, 2012

7 months

Elizabeth Leopold is now 7 months old.  She definitely has her own personality now and will let you know when she is unhappy.  I love that she is learning and doing so much now that it is hard to even remember everything now.  At six months she was moved to the next room at her daycare and let me tell you, she is a learning machine.  She can now pull herself up on just about anything and she go from laying down to sitting up all on her own.  It is hard to leave her by herself to play anymore because she will get herself in a bind almost every time.  We now have to change her diapers and clothes inside her crib because she is a rolly polly and won't sit still.  Also because she is pulling up, her Daddy had to lower her mattress on the crib.  We have only seen her do it once but that was enough!  At seven months, she is eating everything except green beans which she will spit out if we try and give them to her... I tell you, a mind of her own!  She has even been snacking on rice rusks and the little Gerber melt in your mouth snacks... not sure what they are called.  Greg, of course, is the BIGGEST worry wart every and hates that she is moving on to more solid foods.  He has this very big fear of choking so I guess he is just being a worried father.  I half to remind him often that she will have to start eating food at some point!  We are currently in the process of switching out her six month clothes to the 6-9 month clothes.  She is growing like a weed!  Elizabeth loves to smile and screech when she is happy.  Put on any kind of music and watch her dance.  It is probably the funniest thing I have ever seen a baby do.  She groans and moans when she is tired.  Still no teeth, but I think they might be coming soon... we will see.  We have been very blessed with such a happy baby.  She sleeps so good and is just happy almost all the time. 

We have also been blessed that she has not been sick much.  After we got out of the cold months, Elizabeth has not been sick... that is up until her seven month birthday.  All day Friday she was her fun and happy self but sometime Friday night after she went to bed she got really restless.  At the time I just thought she was not sleeping well but about 5am she started crying so I woke up and went to make her a bottle and get a diaper to change her.  When I picked her up, she was hot and I mean really hot.  So, I took her temperature and it was 101.  I was thinking to myself it sure is a good thing I pack her Tylenol and such but then I remembered Greg packed on Friday since I was working late... yep, no syringe to get the medicine out with!  I then went and woke my mom up and told her to watch her while I run to Walmart to get some medicine.  Elizabeth was not having her milk that morning either which really freaked me out.  This girl loves her morning bottle.  When I got back, I gave some medicine and she feel asleep again.  When the doctor's office opened, I called and made an appointment.  When she woke up however, she was happy again and actually ate her cereal and fruit.  We made the long trek to Sugar Land where the doctor checked her out.  She doesn't have any ear infections and everything looked good except her throat.  She swabbed her for strep but thankfully she didn't have that either.  The doctor said it could just be a virus that has to run its course.  She told us just to continue the Advil for the fever and if it keeps up to come back in after two days.  Sunday Elizabeth was a completely different baby and just as happy as can be.  Of course her mommy is tired... very tired.

Since Elizabeth slept almost all day on Saturday (her actual 7 month birthday) we did our photo shoot on Sunday.  It is getting harder and harder to get these pictures because she doesn't want to sit still.  I didn't realize that I haven't posted some of the funny pictures of her the last couple of weeks...  so you are about to see a picture overload!

This is how we find Elizabeth in the mornings... legs and arms tucked under her, mouth wide open!
 My poor baby did not want to wake up on the early morning.  I took her diaper off and she rolled over and went back to sleep!
 My first swim! (4/28/12)
 Of course Mom made it nice and warm for me so I probably thought I was in the bathtub!

 This is my little wonder woman trying to pull up on the recliner at my mom's.
 Hummm... wonder why this thing is moving!
So, I will just pull up on my toys instead!

 We were singing... she loves and I mean LOVES music!
 Trying out my new MUM MUM's.  Yummy!

 Since I am such a wonder woman, we had to move up to a inflatable tub so I can't hurt myself!

Still looking a little ill... poor baby!

 Now Mom, you know I am just going to try and stand up here...

 So stinkin' cute!  She is looonnggg...

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Our little princess

I finally got Elizabeth's six month photos in last week.  I am so proud of them and her because she did a great job.  Of course I think she is so darn cute but I am her mother so I guess that is a little bias.  Hope y'all enjoy this baby as much as I do!