The Girls

The Girls

Friday, July 20, 2012

Pee Pee

One would think that after the first time, I would learn my lesson... but NO, I have had it happen to me now four times.  You might wonder what "it" is and if you read the title of my post you would understand.  Elizabeth has been peeing everywhere.  She has never done this before and she is a girl after all so I am completely dumbfounded.  As soon as I take her diaper off, there goes the water works.  She has since used the restroom on my mom's living room floor, on the bathroom floor of our house and my mom's, and in her crib.  Not only is it disgusting but I must say I have definitely learned my lesson and will, from now on, make sure her little va jay jay is covered.  I honestly knew that baby boys like to pee in people's faces but really Elizabeth, it just has to stop!

On a brighter note, today is Friday!  Yeah!  I love Friday afternoons because I do absolutely nothing, except maybe read but now that I have finished my "Fifty Shades" books I don't know what I am going to do with day... I guess I need to start planning Miss Elizabeth's first birthday!  Hobby Lobby here I come! :)

One more thing... Elizabeth has now learned to open cabinets... being a nosey rosey like she is, it doesn't surprise me.  We had a really good evening last night dancing around the kitchen (she thought I was hilarious and if someone every put a hidden video of me, I would probably think I was hilarious too!).  She of course follows me everywhere and it is a good walking tool for her.  Here she is getting into the Tupperware cabinet and walking towards me.  Love <3!

She was trying to dance (or bounce up and down in her case) in this picture... that is why it is so blurry!
 "Yummy... new chew toys!"
 "Mommy... quit walking away from me!"

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Birthday Weekend!

So, in our house we don't just have a birthday... we have a whole birthday weekend!  Since I need a vacation really bad and my husband won't take off for ANYTHING... I just took off work to relax on Friday and Monday.  Of course I didn't do a lot of relaxing between my dentist appointment and Elizabeth's doctor's appointment but it was nice just to not work!  Elizabeth's nine month check up went really great.  She is now 18 pounds and definitely feels like it.  She is taller than average (75th percentile) which I still find odd but hey, who am I to argue.  Maybe she will be tall and skinny instead of short and fat like her mom.  They did order her to give blood but we didn't do it on Friday since it was already getting late and Greg needed to get to work.  Elizabeth and I headed down to El Campo Friday afternoon and that evening we went to the Vietnam wall... pretty interesting.  Saturday we just hung out around El Campo in the morning then we made a trip to Selkirk where Greg's family was hanging out.  Elizabeth swam and swam... she loves the water!  It was really a great trip and I am glad we went.  But then that night the most tragic thing happened (not really, but it was pretty sad!)... my Nook broke!  Can you believe it!?! I was right in the middle of reading the last "Fifty Shades" trilogy.  I insisted we got to church on Sunday and head to Sugarland to Barnes and Noble to see what they could do.  It turns out that they could not fix it so I had to get a new one.  We are back in business now and I am almost done.  For all my female friends and family out there, if you need to read a good love story, it is pretty great but I must warn you that if you are not into sexual scenes, don't read it!  Lots of love making going on.

Sunday was just a day of shopping (since we were already at B&N).  Elizabeth got her some new sippy cups.  We have now limited the bottle to the morning and nighttime feeding per the doctor's instructions.  It has been going really well this week and I don't think she even misses it too much.  I can't stress enough how sick and tired of washing bottles.  Or should I say, my husband is sick and tired of washing bottles! :)  Since my birthday fell on Monday, my parents and Greg's parents came to Rosenberg for dinner and we went back to our house for some cake.  Elizabeth got to show off her new found walking skills to her grandparents and boy was she exhausted that evening!  She can now walk across the living room without any problems and she does it quite often too.  She still falls and I am still signing boo boo reports at school but that is just her learning to be independent.  She can definitely get to where she wants and FAST. 

Monday I had to do the hardest thing I think I have even done in my life... that is taking Elizabeth to give blood.  They had to get it from her vein in her arm and trying to hold down a nine month old was nearly impossible.  Greg was so frustrated with the first lady that tried that we were about to walk out.  The head lady came and told us that another lady could do it... it took her less than a minute to get that blood from Elizabeth.  My poor baby was so exhausted from the experience and I think her mommy and daddy were even more exhausted.  After dropping her at daycare, we went to the grocery store and I went and got a massage.  Oh yeah, I almost forgot, we also go rid of the Possum Bug (the cat) on Monday.  That right there was a great birthday present alone!  It was a busy birthday even though I was not at work but all in all it was great.  Greg and Elizabeth gave me a charm braclet and a book (so sweet).  I got some clothes for work from my parents (YEAH!) and Greg's parents gave me money and a little server thing. 

Life has definitely been interesting the last year and half but I love every minute of it... even the hard times.  I hope and pray that we continue to be blessed and loved.  I can't believe I am 27 years old!  Where does time go!?!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Spoiled Rotten at 9 months

Last week was a very busy week for us.  The first week of the month is always the worst for me at work and then on top of it, we had a holiday!  Elizabeth turned 9 months last week also!  Can you believe it!?!  I am so amazed at how much she has grown and how different she is.  I love this stage (probably more than the baby stage).  She is so loving and really prefers me over anyone else which just makes my little heart melt inside!  When she was a baby, she really didn't have any emotions... it was eat, sleep, poop, eat... you get the cycle.  Now she shows everyone her little attitude and her playfulness.  It still takes her a while to warm up to people at first but once she is comfortable, she will go to just about anybody!  We are working really hard on the talking but this little monkey doesn't want to say anything but "ba ba ba"!  I am so ready for her to say "mommy" or "daddy".  Elizabeth decided to start nine months off with a bang and start walking.  She is still really wobbly but she is getting better everyday!  They work alot with her at school and I think that helps.  Here... take a peek at her walking:

She is into absolutely everything she sees!  I know it will only get worse when she starts walking but that little stinker can disappear fast down the hall or into the kitchen.  One day at my Mom's house she pulled the recycle trash can on top of her then went and pulled a six pack of cokes on top of her that were sitting on the floor.  She walks around and around that ottoman at my mom's.  I think Gram's needs to do a little baby proofing! :)

Elizabeth is spoiled rotten.  She has more clothes than she probably needs and she gets something EVERY TIME we go to Wal-Mart... be it clothes or toys (but mostly toys these days!).  Since this past weekend we were making a trip to Port O'Connor to hang out with Uncle Philip and Aunt Leslie Elizabeth got herself a new car... check her out! She has taken a ride in it everyday since!

Like I mentioned, our little princess turned 9 months old.  It is really and I mean really hard to get a picture of her when she is not strapped down or in someones arms so her photo shoot didn't go that great but she thought I was absolutely hilarious for some reason so at least she is smiling in all her pictures (plus some other randoms at the bottom!)... 

Taking a little break before the photo shoot started... 

 I'm going to get you...
Look at me Mom!"
 "I said WAIT!  Come on..."

walking all over the house in my walker... Mommy loves this so she can get things done without watching me like a hawk!

 Izza and her lovey... so cute. 
 I tried to tell everyone that she gets something new at Wal-Mart every time we go... here is a new bath toy she got last week! :)