The Girls

The Girls

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Mirror, Mirror

This week has been a real downer for me.  Not that anything is wrong, but it has just been one of those weeks.  I am so happy that tomorrow is Friday and I only have to work a half day! 

Many people look in the mirror and do not like what they see.  This is me.  Right now my biggest enemy is starring me down in the mirror... all I see is fat, fat, fat.  I feel it every time I walk into the closest, every time I open the pantry or fridge, and every time I go to the bathroom and have to see myself.  I know that I am overweight and that I really need to do something about it.  Every diet has failed me or should I say that I have failed every diet.  I often have very good intentions of working out and then I get home and I have to take care of my number one (Elizabeth in case you didn't know) and my own nutrition and exercise fall to the wayside.  I just don't know what to do anymore.  Why couldn't I have just been born with the skinny bones!?!  I see so many skinny people at work, walking down the street, well you know, just about everywhere I go.  In my mind one day I will be like that but then that hamburger smells so good or that candy just can't be passed up.  I need motivation.  You would think that my motivation would be my daughter but even that doesn't seem to help.  I want to be healthy and happy for her and my husband but still, I don't know where to start.  Endorphins make you happy... and I believe that food is my endorphins because I just can't walk away.  Am I an addict to food?  I have a feeling that my bad eating habits are already rubbing off on my daughter and that literally scares me to death.  I hope and pray that she gets her daddy's genes.  So I could go on and on about how much I hate my body and wish I could just take a magic pill to make it better, but I know deep down that I have to do it.  I have to be healthier.  Let this be heard again, I have to be healthier!

So to top of the week, I am working on our tax return.  (Yes, you read correctly, our tax return from 2011.)  Just another reason I am so down in the dumps this week.  I loath the IRS.  I think we pay way too much in taxes and this sucks.  There, however, is nothing I can change about that.  So, I will file my return tomorrow and go on my merry little way...

Greg is on a business trip this week so it is just me and the munchkin today and tomorrow.  She is what keeps me going day in and day out.  I really think I took for granted how much Greg helps me around the house.  He may not be there with us physically but he does help me by washing dishes, washing clothes, and just the general clean up.  With a toddler running around, it is hard to do this by myself in the evenings and I definitely feel the pain and he has only been gone one day! 

So I will leave you with a smile...

Friday, October 5, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday!

I have not written on the blog in so long... actually it has be exactly one month.  One whole month of our little Lizzie went by.  It makes me want to cry because I feel like I just don't remember this last year like I should.  But, like they say, time flies!

Some of the things about Elizabeth at one year:
  • has officially mastered drinking from a straw... now she can drink from anything... love it!
  • such a silly monkey that climbs on everything in sight... my mom gave her a step stool and she will put it against the couch, climb up, and then slide off on her belly, then repeat... over and over and over.
  • still working on the feeding situation.  It is frustrating sometimes but she is getting better.  I still give her a mix of table food and baby food.  She eats everything we give her.
  • Still drinking formula, but mainly in the morning.  She does not want her night time cup at all anymore.  The transition to milk has been tough with her not taking to it (she is on Soy formula) so for now we will give her the toddler formula.
  • loves to dance.  Everyone should have the opportunity to see this angel dance because it will make you laugh so hard.  They must be doing a lot of dancing and singing at school.
  • very stubborn (I have no idea where she gets that from :) haha).  She knows what she wants and will let you know what she wants also.
There is so much that I can't remember right now but she is the love of my life for sure.  I can't imagine life without her.  I hope and pray she grows into a smart, independent woman like her mom! :)

So, since I don't have my camera but I do have my phone, I will share with you Elizabeth through photos this past month.  (Plus, photos are more fun to look at!)  We have been super busy and now with her birthday party tomorrow, we are completely stressed!

If you don't remember, on my last post I was talking about the first football game... here is Elizabeth ready for some football with her first pony tail!
Enjoying her morning milk at Granny's house while watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (her favorite)
 Granny bought her a big girl bed for her house... Elizabeth was trying it out. 
We only let her take naps in it right now.

 Daddy was teaching her how to drive the car.

Daddy and his baby girl... so sweet.

Enjoying her some snack at Granny's... she is so smart.

 Playing with the cousins'

Hello FALL!

I swear she is a monkey... she climbs on EVERYTHING!

An early birthday present from school... her "friend" bite her... really do your "friends" bite you?  I hate when they call and say that.  The same girl... week after week.  Basically they tell me that they are too young to do anything about it at school.  Really?!? So, you are just going to let my kid keep getting bite?  Can you tell I was upset about this?

Today is her birthday and she could care less.  It is so sad and happy at the same time.  I can't believe how fast time goes by.  She does not like to take pictures these days so this is the best I could do at school.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Texans Virus

Elizabeth really put us through the ringer last week with her sickness.  As a parent, I absolutely hate seeing my baby so sick and then the worst always run through your head of maybe something else could be wrong.  Luckily for us, our little stinker is feeling 1,000 times better.  Greg says she came down with the "Texans Virus" because it started right after watching the Houston Texans game.  Everyone, please take that up with him! :)  Saturday the 25th of August was just a relaxing day, just hanging out with some family, not doing a whole lot.  When we were leaving Jason and Kathy's house after watching the first half of the game and Elizabeth was feeling warm but it wasn't too bad.  Sunday morning is when all hell broke loose.  After a pretty rough night Saturday night with her not sleeping well (because of the fever) and waking up crying, she had her morning cup of milk and almost immediately it came up all over Mommy.  If you have never seen a little baby throwing up like that, consider yourself lucky because it was absolutely heartbreaking.  I would start crying every time it happened because I wanted to make it better and couldn't.  She would look up at you with those sad little eyes, crying, and it just seemed like she was asking why it was happening to her.  You could tell that she wasn't feeling well and she was just completely out of it all day long but we were able to keep a little swallow here and there down her so she wouldn't get dehydrated but she refused to eat and drink and she continue to vomit all day Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday.  She also had a low grade fever that we could not get to go away by medicine.  We had called the doctor on Sunday and she told us just to keep her hydrated and she would see her on Monday morning.  The doctor found that she had an ear infection and told us that she probably just has a virus on top of that.  They gave her a shot of antibiotic and sent us home with our still very sick baby.  By this time all of us were so exhausted...

Tuesday morning I had to go into work for a meeting that was rescheduled from Monday so Daddy stayed home with the still sick baby.  Monday night was another rough night of waking up crying and fever.  If only we could get that stupid fever to go away!  It really started to spike on Monday evening and Tuesday with the highest reading at 104 degrees... I was very worried she would have a seizure from the fever like Emily (a good friends' little girl) did last Christmas.  By Tuesday afternoon, we were at our wits end and after talking with the doctor once Elizabeth started vomiting blood, she advised us to go to the ER at Texas Children's Hospital.  Once we got there, they basically told us the same thing the doctor did but they wanted to get something stomach since she hadn't eaten since Saturday night.  They gave her some nausea medicine and another antibiotic shot and sent us on our way.  Oh yeah, she had also gotten thrush again.  What more could this little baby go through!?!

The ER doctor told us to follow up with our pediatrician on Thursday to see how things looked and if she needed to continue on any medicine.  Wednesday morning our little Elizabeth was feeling so much better and besides being very weak, she was getting around and playing a little.  Well, our little angel decided to test us again by developing a rash all over her body on Wednesday night.  Luckily we already had a doctor's appointment on Thursday morning so on to something new...  the doctor just said the rash was just part of the virus working its course.  Someone needs to do something about that virus because it is one mean sucker.  The rash didn't bother her too bad, but she did look like she was trying to itch her head and stomach.  She managed to lose almost three pounds (a whole lot for her age) from being so sick so now we are trying to fatten her back up. 

I am happy to report that the virus is gone and I am pretty sure the thrush is gone too.  This week we are working on not giving her a paci so we don't have to worry about that thrush anymore.  We will see how that goes! :)  We did a pretty good cleaning of the house to try and get the germs out from the three of us sitting around for over a week.  We tried to explain to Elizabeth that she is not allowed to do that again or anytime soon because it was very though... we know it wasn't her fault but it was still very, very tough to go through.

The poor sick baby with lots of wild hair.
 The rash... yucky.

So, since I talked about her sickness, I have to do a quick update of how we are doing... in we, I mean me and Greg.  We were very, very exhausted last week and I think by Thursday Greg was getting delirious.  So we had decided that since Elizabeth was doing much better, we would go out just the two of us on Saturday night... but Greg got a phone call and was told he had to work.  Instead of canceling our "date night" my mom came up on Friday night so we could go out to eat.  But between the time of deciding to go out on Friday and the phone call Greg got to work, he was really upset and was talking crazy.  You know how you get when you're so tired and you think EVERYTHING is SOOOO funny... this was him and it was kind of annoying... anyway... he is talking to me and he is like "so, I was really looking forward to taking you to Long John Silver's to eat, I can't believe we can't go." as he continues to babble on and on, and then after a minute, I said "really, you were going to take me to Long John Silver's because that is so romantic!"  We both started laughing so hard we couldn't breathe!  I know that might not sound too funny but he said he thinking Red Lobster and not Long John Silver.  Honestly I have not eaten at Long John Silver and over 10 years... where the heck did that come from!  Luckily he did not end up working on Saturday night so we had a nice relaxing weekend to catch up on some sleep and plus it was a holiday weekend! 

Today is Elizabeth's 11 month birthday.  My how time flies.  Oh yeah, and we mustn't forget that it is opening game for the Cowboys.  Football and Photo shoot tonight!  YEAH!

Have a blessed week!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

10 months

So I haven't posted anything in forever because I have been so busy.  I found out a couple of weeks ago that a girl in the next office put in her two weeks and I had to learn her job.  From the time I get to work at 6:30am to the time leave at 4:30, I am constantly busy!  In the evenings, I just love playing with my baby girl so I never get a chance to post anything.  Then there was the lost camera situation.  I was flipping out but I found it and all is well.  I didn't want to post anything until I could put some pictures up with it. 

So our baby girl is already almost 11 months but I thought I would put up her 10 month pictures.  She is now doing so much stuff that I don't even know where to begin.  She has been walking now since about 9 1/2 months but she is a pro at it and now we run and climb on everything.  She is still wearing her 9 month clothes but I am slowly starting to pull out some 12 month clothes.  She is constantly pointing at anything and everything.  Greg read it is just her way of learning so now we have to tell her what everything is.  She definitely knows what a deer is (and it will probably be her first real word) and will find it and point to it.  She also knows who mama and dada are (of course!).  We have successfully gotten off the bottle.  We are full blown sippy cup now and she can drink from just about all her sippy cups (different kinds) too.  She is doing so well on table food and will eat anything we put on her tray.  At 10 months, I told the school that she could start eating their food and it has been a pretty easy transition.  Since Daddy is not home in the evenings, I rarely cook but now I have to start thinking about what we are going to eat and such.  I have been just giving her the Little Graduates meals and she will eat those but I think she prefers our food to that "box" food.  Elizabeth is now a babbling little lady.  Even though I can't make out any actual words besides "bye bye" and "dada", I am sure she will be saying lots before long.  She knows bye bye and will walk up to the door and wave at you when she wants to go outside.  It is funny but when it is not time to go outside, it is also a struggle!  Just watching her play with all her toys and listen to her music, I know she learns so much from school.  Just yesterday I caught her "driving" her car around the house.  That is something I didn't think they learned until later on.  She was on her hands and knees... wheeling the car around.  It was so cute.  She can completely do the "Patty Cake" song... from clapping, to rolling her hands, to throwing it in the pan!  REALLY!  She also loves and I mean LOVES books.  If she gets cranky, just start reading to her and she gets all excited.  She will flip the pages for you and point at all the characters in the book.  If you are missing anything in our house just look in the kitchen cabinets.  She has started taking things out of the cabinets and putting what doesn't belong in them.  So far we have found shoes and cups in the pots and pans cabinet.  Smart little cookie... of course I think she is smart for her age but I really don't know if all babies do these things or not.  I am just not around enough babies to know!

I do know that I love her so much and am truly blessed to have such a wonderful, playful baby.  I guess I need to quite calling her a baby already since she is walking... on to toddler hood!  Trying to get a picture is near impossible even with two people but she was in a good mood so we got some pictures of the green eye beauty!  (Who, everyday, is starting to look like mommy!... OH NO!... I hope she inherits Daddy's skinnyness!)

 "I'm sexy and I know it..."
 "But MOM!"

"Do you see the deer?"
 Walking... and walking... and walking...
 This picture looks like Daddy got his little boy... where's the bow?

We are also busy planning the big first birthday bash.  I am excited and sad at the same time.  I was pulling out pictures of the little baby that came home with us and it makes me cry.  I honestly can't believe how fast she is growing up.  It honestly feels just like yesterday! 

In other news, we went on a really long trip to Dallas a couple of weekends ago.  Elizabeth did pretty good in the car, I was very proud of her.  We did a little shopping and a lot of sweating! :)  Here is Elizabeth enjoying a drink of Daddy's nice cold drink...

"Mom, I really don't want to take a picture... I busy here."

I hope to keep up better with our growing girl so I don't forget all the little things she does.  So I will leave everyone with a happy, green eyed girl... have a wonderful week!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Pee Pee

One would think that after the first time, I would learn my lesson... but NO, I have had it happen to me now four times.  You might wonder what "it" is and if you read the title of my post you would understand.  Elizabeth has been peeing everywhere.  She has never done this before and she is a girl after all so I am completely dumbfounded.  As soon as I take her diaper off, there goes the water works.  She has since used the restroom on my mom's living room floor, on the bathroom floor of our house and my mom's, and in her crib.  Not only is it disgusting but I must say I have definitely learned my lesson and will, from now on, make sure her little va jay jay is covered.  I honestly knew that baby boys like to pee in people's faces but really Elizabeth, it just has to stop!

On a brighter note, today is Friday!  Yeah!  I love Friday afternoons because I do absolutely nothing, except maybe read but now that I have finished my "Fifty Shades" books I don't know what I am going to do with day... I guess I need to start planning Miss Elizabeth's first birthday!  Hobby Lobby here I come! :)

One more thing... Elizabeth has now learned to open cabinets... being a nosey rosey like she is, it doesn't surprise me.  We had a really good evening last night dancing around the kitchen (she thought I was hilarious and if someone every put a hidden video of me, I would probably think I was hilarious too!).  She of course follows me everywhere and it is a good walking tool for her.  Here she is getting into the Tupperware cabinet and walking towards me.  Love <3!

She was trying to dance (or bounce up and down in her case) in this picture... that is why it is so blurry!
 "Yummy... new chew toys!"
 "Mommy... quit walking away from me!"

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Birthday Weekend!

So, in our house we don't just have a birthday... we have a whole birthday weekend!  Since I need a vacation really bad and my husband won't take off for ANYTHING... I just took off work to relax on Friday and Monday.  Of course I didn't do a lot of relaxing between my dentist appointment and Elizabeth's doctor's appointment but it was nice just to not work!  Elizabeth's nine month check up went really great.  She is now 18 pounds and definitely feels like it.  She is taller than average (75th percentile) which I still find odd but hey, who am I to argue.  Maybe she will be tall and skinny instead of short and fat like her mom.  They did order her to give blood but we didn't do it on Friday since it was already getting late and Greg needed to get to work.  Elizabeth and I headed down to El Campo Friday afternoon and that evening we went to the Vietnam wall... pretty interesting.  Saturday we just hung out around El Campo in the morning then we made a trip to Selkirk where Greg's family was hanging out.  Elizabeth swam and swam... she loves the water!  It was really a great trip and I am glad we went.  But then that night the most tragic thing happened (not really, but it was pretty sad!)... my Nook broke!  Can you believe it!?! I was right in the middle of reading the last "Fifty Shades" trilogy.  I insisted we got to church on Sunday and head to Sugarland to Barnes and Noble to see what they could do.  It turns out that they could not fix it so I had to get a new one.  We are back in business now and I am almost done.  For all my female friends and family out there, if you need to read a good love story, it is pretty great but I must warn you that if you are not into sexual scenes, don't read it!  Lots of love making going on.

Sunday was just a day of shopping (since we were already at B&N).  Elizabeth got her some new sippy cups.  We have now limited the bottle to the morning and nighttime feeding per the doctor's instructions.  It has been going really well this week and I don't think she even misses it too much.  I can't stress enough how sick and tired of washing bottles.  Or should I say, my husband is sick and tired of washing bottles! :)  Since my birthday fell on Monday, my parents and Greg's parents came to Rosenberg for dinner and we went back to our house for some cake.  Elizabeth got to show off her new found walking skills to her grandparents and boy was she exhausted that evening!  She can now walk across the living room without any problems and she does it quite often too.  She still falls and I am still signing boo boo reports at school but that is just her learning to be independent.  She can definitely get to where she wants and FAST. 

Monday I had to do the hardest thing I think I have even done in my life... that is taking Elizabeth to give blood.  They had to get it from her vein in her arm and trying to hold down a nine month old was nearly impossible.  Greg was so frustrated with the first lady that tried that we were about to walk out.  The head lady came and told us that another lady could do it... it took her less than a minute to get that blood from Elizabeth.  My poor baby was so exhausted from the experience and I think her mommy and daddy were even more exhausted.  After dropping her at daycare, we went to the grocery store and I went and got a massage.  Oh yeah, I almost forgot, we also go rid of the Possum Bug (the cat) on Monday.  That right there was a great birthday present alone!  It was a busy birthday even though I was not at work but all in all it was great.  Greg and Elizabeth gave me a charm braclet and a book (so sweet).  I got some clothes for work from my parents (YEAH!) and Greg's parents gave me money and a little server thing. 

Life has definitely been interesting the last year and half but I love every minute of it... even the hard times.  I hope and pray that we continue to be blessed and loved.  I can't believe I am 27 years old!  Where does time go!?!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Spoiled Rotten at 9 months

Last week was a very busy week for us.  The first week of the month is always the worst for me at work and then on top of it, we had a holiday!  Elizabeth turned 9 months last week also!  Can you believe it!?!  I am so amazed at how much she has grown and how different she is.  I love this stage (probably more than the baby stage).  She is so loving and really prefers me over anyone else which just makes my little heart melt inside!  When she was a baby, she really didn't have any emotions... it was eat, sleep, poop, eat... you get the cycle.  Now she shows everyone her little attitude and her playfulness.  It still takes her a while to warm up to people at first but once she is comfortable, she will go to just about anybody!  We are working really hard on the talking but this little monkey doesn't want to say anything but "ba ba ba"!  I am so ready for her to say "mommy" or "daddy".  Elizabeth decided to start nine months off with a bang and start walking.  She is still really wobbly but she is getting better everyday!  They work alot with her at school and I think that helps.  Here... take a peek at her walking:

She is into absolutely everything she sees!  I know it will only get worse when she starts walking but that little stinker can disappear fast down the hall or into the kitchen.  One day at my Mom's house she pulled the recycle trash can on top of her then went and pulled a six pack of cokes on top of her that were sitting on the floor.  She walks around and around that ottoman at my mom's.  I think Gram's needs to do a little baby proofing! :)

Elizabeth is spoiled rotten.  She has more clothes than she probably needs and she gets something EVERY TIME we go to Wal-Mart... be it clothes or toys (but mostly toys these days!).  Since this past weekend we were making a trip to Port O'Connor to hang out with Uncle Philip and Aunt Leslie Elizabeth got herself a new car... check her out! She has taken a ride in it everyday since!

Like I mentioned, our little princess turned 9 months old.  It is really and I mean really hard to get a picture of her when she is not strapped down or in someones arms so her photo shoot didn't go that great but she thought I was absolutely hilarious for some reason so at least she is smiling in all her pictures (plus some other randoms at the bottom!)... 

Taking a little break before the photo shoot started... 

 I'm going to get you...
Look at me Mom!"
 "I said WAIT!  Come on..."

walking all over the house in my walker... Mommy loves this so she can get things done without watching me like a hawk!

 Izza and her lovey... so cute. 
 I tried to tell everyone that she gets something new at Wal-Mart every time we go... here is a new bath toy she got last week! :)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Walking along

So my mom took my camera card and my new one does not work in my camera so I don't have any picutres to post but I do have a video of Elizabeth walking with her toy.  She makes me laugh!  Enjoy!

I actually found some on my phone to post... I love her so stinkin' much!  Getting a good picture is impossible these days because she is so active but here she is...

Sickness to Walking to Eating table food

There is so much I want to write but I don't know if my little fingers will type fast enough for me to remember what I wanted to cover!  I was going to post a Father's day update, but of course our little Elizabeth decided to get sick and so Father's day was a little sad.  Then the following week was crazy so here it all is!

Greg decided to have everyone over for Father's day and we were just going to do something small and hang out.  Around 11am, Elizabeth went down for a nap and Daddy also went down for a nap.  About 30 or so minutes later, she woke up screaming.  This is not like her at all because she normally wakes up happy and ready to continue playing.  I was trying not to wake Greg up but I could not get her to calm down.  It took everything we had to try to satisfy her because nothing was doing it for her.  She wasn't running a temperature and I couldn't see anything wrong with her and she was fine that morning before her nap.  The crying lasted on and off all afternoon which stressed us out on top of having everyone over for dinner.  She just seemed like she was in pain but we couldn't do anything for her.  We got her to bed and everyone left that Sunday evening.  Monday morning she woke up and she seemed to be doing better and there was still no temperature so I decided to go to work and take her to daycare.  I was at work for probably two hours and the daycare called and said that she was being really fussy and nothing seemed to make it better.  I called the doctor's office and got in the car to go get her.  Our doctor was out of the office but we saw another and she said that she had a double ear infection and one of her ear drums looks like it ruptured.  No wonder she was in such pain!  I can't really complain too much because she has been doing really good with not getting sick and this was only her second time to have an ear infection.  We got put on some medicine and ear drops and I think we may be getting better but I think I am going to have her checked out one more time just to make sure everything healed up correctly. 

So since I missed work on Monday, I was playing catch up on Tuesday with a very busy day plus the fact that Greg was not home when we got home on Tuesday night we began the long, exhausting week.  Wednesday was kind of fun because our work gave us a "day out on them" which included a Astros ticket for the 1pm game and $15 voucher for food and drink while were there.  Oh did I mention they even paid for our parking!  It was nice to have a "free" day off but of course I started feeling not so good that evening when I got home.  Thursday morning I woke up and was physically exhausted and couldn't talk and could barely breath!  It seems like everytime Elizabeth gets sick, I am right behind her.  I stayed home on Thursday because I thought it would really make me feel better to sleep and get some rest.  I slept most of the day and I was feeling a little better.  I am still not 100% (which means I probably should have gone to the doctor) but it is slowly making its course.  I have a feeling Greg will be next because he was complaining this morning!

So then the weekend came!  YEAH!  Saturday Elizabeth and I went to a baby shower in Victoria and I loved seeing all my old work peeps.  It was fun to see Monica pregnant and I know she will be a great mom to Sawyer.  We can't wait to meet him!  Then we made the long trek back to Rosenberg and decided to go hang out in Cypress with Brian's family (Greg's cousin).  That was also fun to see Elizabeth trying to keep up with the boys... silly girl and Miss Brooklyn was so much fun too!  She was laughing at everything and I can't remember Elizabeth doing that.  But, Miss Elizabeth decided to surprise us all and take off walking... well, she decided to take three steps and then fall down and think it was funny.  We were sitting on the floor and she was holding on to Raelyn's foot with one hand then she just took off for the night stand.  Everyone in the room went "ohhh" at the same time!  She has been trying had ever since. 

She has been pulling up and walking with her toys and anything that will move for a long time now but I just was not expecting her to take them steps.  She is one brave girl.  Now she will walk between her toys in the living room which scares me but I know it is just her way of learning.  She has great balance and if she doesn't get too excited in the middle, she can make it too.  I have now been walking with her around the house and she will only hold one of my hands while I walk... one day I am just going to let go and see if she notices I am not there! :) 

Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention how great she is doing with eating table food!  We have been trying here and there to give her little things she could eat and she will take a couple of bites and not want anything else.  For the last four weeks or so we have been giving her puffs and rice rusks and she loves those... she now knows what that sound is if you shake them up for her, she gets all excited.  She has been feeding herself these puffs and rice rusks and she is doing so great.  Her coordination is great!  Friday night we gave her some cut up french fries and egg yolk... not a great combination but that was all she could have between all our plates!  Sunday morning Greg and I went to eat at Bob's Taco Stand (the best place in Rosenberg to eat if you have never been there) for breakfast and Elizabeth had her some eggs, beans, and potatoes.  Yep, it was great to see her eat so good.  I have only been doing this on the weekends but I guess I am going to have to try things during the week so we can get away from the baby food!  YEAH!  I even talked to the school and she can start having the soft foods they serve there, DOUBLE YEAH! 

So, as we inch closer to 9 months, I am sure she will be eating big girl food and walking soon... we just have to work on the talking now! :)  Any suggestions!?!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

"Cheeseburger in Paradise..."

So the first weekend in June, Greg and I had a double date with some good friends.  We went to the Jimmy Buffett concert to listen to some good old music and just have a day out.  Greg and Chris had been looking forward to this day since last year when they went!  I missed out last year because of work, but this year it was on a Saturday night so I got to attend and pregnant free to boot!  (Even though I still look pregnant because I am so fat!) I have to say we saw some of the craziest looking people and we were holding our breath not to contract some kind of disease from the guy at the gate taking our tickets.  All in all, it was such a good time and super packed.  I have to share some pictures of us but let me explain really quick... there was a lady taking pictures for people by this little set up area for pictures.  I was like cool I can get a good picture of all of us together... this is what I got:

some half heads and no Brandie...

 Brandie and a lot of blur

So we finally got one a good one...

We went up to the lawn where our tickets were and then tried to find a seat... we ended up finding a place to sit but because of the crowd it was very difficult!

The music started and the sun went down... then the crazies really came out of the wood work!  We saw a group passing a joint around getting high, a very pregnant person drinking beer (she was also with the group getting high but we never saw her take a hit), a group of gay college guys taking LOTS of pictures of each other (that was just plain weird), and the funniest looking hats, clothes, and people I think I have ever seen in my life.  All in all it truly was fun and nice to have a "date" with my husband.  Here are the last of my pictures: